Sunday 11 March 2012

Their has been a lack of post for the last six months mostly because my old shed has been scraped (rotten)and a new bigger one erected in its place (a whopping 8'x 6')
now its getting warmer I'm going to be hopefully getting out there more and board and insulate the inside and move on to the fun part the railroad!
To speed things up I'm going to cheat on the baseboards and use extruded polystyrene without any wood, i managed to get my hands on a sample from eBay of some 50mm thick and it is completely unbendable so i think that would work just fine all i need to do now is find someone who will deliver just one 8' x 4' sheet (seems impossible) here in the uk

any way here is a look at the old railroad before it got torn down

1 comment:

  1. I am always intrigued by the "Garden Shed" approach. Hopefully it's a sturdy shed and will not leave your railroad open to real live weathering! So many do it, it must be safe enough. Board: 4x8 sheet may be tricky, but Wickes (and formerly B&Q) sell Kanuf "Space Board" in 2x4 (or so) sheets, and packs of five. I use it on my loft layout, and in parts of my home layout in the laundry room. Check them both out through my profile, or the e-mail I sent you... Looking forward to the project!
