Sunday 5 August 2012

slowly slowly

some actual progress in the shed recently, with 3 children including one baby that doesn't believe in sleep it doesn't leave much time but with the recent good weather and latter nights I'm starting to get there
compare it with the photo below to see the progress.

Friday 1 June 2012


now on to a second boxcar for weathering
this time a Conrail 50'
I used forgeworld orange rust powder for this,forgeworld is a Games workshop company I'm not sure if they sell this in their shops but i got this direct from forgeworld and they only charged me 30p postage.

the result is a very heavy rust effect(shame about the fingerprint which i only noticed when posting this pic)
Forgeworld powder seems to be as every bit as good as the ak pigment used earlier and both powders give a better result than the tamiya 'makeup'

Tuesday 22 May 2012

still working on the shed which is going slowly so in the mean time decided to have a go at weathering
the subject
first tested out some dust affects after a spray of dullcote the left half of the boxcar got painted with polly scale dust paint the right half got a dusting with AK pigments light dust

the paint doesn't appear  to have done anything apart  from a white line across the bottom edge, but the pigment worked very well. next some rust using tamiya's weathering master set b
i just smeared it on then touched up a couple of parts with burnt umber arcylic paint to look like heavy rust.
then my wife asked me why i was putting makeup on my trains and said she could get exactly the same set as the tamiya in a 99p shop!

Friday 30 March 2012

Been spending the last few days sealing the joins in my shed but have become abit alarmed by the rather large gaps in the overlapping boards that have formed in the unseasonal weather that we have been having lately. Hopefully by the winter they will close up again. I'm lining and insulating the inside so it shouldn't matter too much. I read online that sheds need to breathe so mine obliviously likes to breathe alot

Friday 16 March 2012

Sunday 11 March 2012

Their has been a lack of post for the last six months mostly because my old shed has been scraped (rotten)and a new bigger one erected in its place (a whopping 8'x 6')
now its getting warmer I'm going to be hopefully getting out there more and board and insulate the inside and move on to the fun part the railroad!
To speed things up I'm going to cheat on the baseboards and use extruded polystyrene without any wood, i managed to get my hands on a sample from eBay of some 50mm thick and it is completely unbendable so i think that would work just fine all i need to do now is find someone who will deliver just one 8' x 4' sheet (seems impossible) here in the uk

any way here is a look at the old railroad before it got torn down